NY Jets Helmet

rob moses 6d 50mm exif data canon

I have recently been working on a little DIY project and this helmet is the finished product. While I was down in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho this summer I found this old football helmet at a random thrift store I wondered into. For a measly $10 I thought why not pick it up and see what I could do with it. At first I wanted to make it into a Seattle Seahawks helmet, but no matter how hard I tried I could not find any proper Seahawks decals. Since the Jets are my 2nd favourite NFL team and I was able to source some decals via ebay ($36), I decided that was the way I would go. The cage was originally grey, so I bought a $10 can of spray paint and gave it a couple of coats. The helmet also had some stickers on the back that were extremely hard to get off, but once I got them off I slapped on the Jets stickers, put the cage back on and wa-la! Not a perfect replica by any means, but good enough to sit on a shelf in my office. 🙂

Oh and incase you were wondering, no I did not get a before picture. Totally wish I did :(. Darn it!

I shot this photo with one 580EX ii, shot through a white umbrella to camera right.

Thanks for stopping by, Rob

Click to view photo in a larger size.

Click to view photo in a larger size.

9 thoughts

  1. They were over here at Wembley Stadium playing the (very disappointing) Dolphins a couple of weeks ago. They made a good showing! Pip

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