How you doin?

We took the dog out for a walk by a river last night and I noticed this horse through these bushes in his or her little stable. There seamed to be a clear path to the fence so I though I’d walk over and say hi. I took a couple pictures as I do. The …

Quiet Boardwalk

On a chilly winter evening this boardwalk in Kelowna is really quiet. I’d prefer to have a person in this picture, but since it is a long exposure they would just have to be standing there on their phone or something. I suppose I could have jumped in on the picture now that I think …

Minolta Maxxum 8000i

Some cameras come and go. In my case, a lot of cameras come and go! Some cameras however just hang around for years and years and never seem to find another owner. Like this beautiful old Minolta Maxxum 8000i. I’ve had this camera kicking around for ages! I haven’t used it in a super long …

YYC Iron Horse

This cool horse is right in the middle of downtown here in Calgary. It is in this really cool city park that is attached to a train station. I don’t often find myself in this park, but every time I do I take a minute to admire the art. A couple years ago I took …

Old Camera Park

Even in the middle of winter, Princes Island Park has people buzzing around. I shot this photo on my way home yesterday evening just as the sun started to set. I shot this photo with Nikon D2Xs & a 50mm 1.8G. Even though the D2Xs is an older camera now, it still performs wonderfully and is …

A Friends Camera

I was out shooting the skyline with a friend of mine over the weekend when this idea popped into my head. At first I shot this photo at f4 and slowly made my way to f14. At f4 you couldn’t tell what was in front of the camera, but here in this shot I think …

Tamilla Working

I did a photo shoot with this lovely young woman over the weekend. If you’re a regular to this blog then you might recognize Tamilla from a recent wedding I shot. And also her engagement photos before that. Anyhow, Tamilla needed some photos for her website, so we made our way around some indoor locations (because it’s …

Frosty Climb City

I had to climb a pretty big fence for this shot. I had driven by this location a long time ago and thought I might be able to get a good shot if I was to climb up the fence. I just happen to be driving near that location again today and I thought with …

Rings of Fire

Last night my friend Nathan and I took the Skipping Stone Bridge in Calgary with a chain and some steel wool. Nathan had wanted to shoot some of these type of photos for about a year and we finally decided to get out and do it. We would both set up our cameras and get …

The Minion Tourist

I don’t know about you, but I like these little Minions! This little toy belongs to my son and I thought it would be a fun picture to take as if the Minion was a tourist haha. The 2nd shot of him was from inside my car. The Minion was standing on the edge of …