Open for Weed

I love neon signs! I’ve actually gone unsuccessfully looking for them at times. So when I noticed this one while driving down the street one day in my neighbourhood I made a mental note to bring my camera next time I was going to be walking by. That day finally came a few days ago. …

Basketball Josh

My older son Joshua is back at it with the school basketball right now (9th Grade). I love watching Joshua play basketball and I also love taking pictures of him playing basketball. Shooting basketball photos is actually a lot of fun. It’s such a quick game and there are so many people on the floor …

Who is this?

I have walked by this statue downtown in Kelowna loads of times and I think I’ve tried to get a shot of it once before. But still, I don’t know if this statue is supposed to be a real person or just a random Native American guy. Anyhow, it’s a cool statue and next time …

1 Week Till Christmas

Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s already one week till Christmas! I’ve got most of my shopping done, but I still have to buy a couple things. I guess I better get that done TODAY! If you haven’t finished your shopping yet I’d suggest you do the same. 😉 As for these pictures. This golden …

So much snow!

My family and I were just living it up in Victoria for a visit recently. While they did have an unusual amount of snow in Victoria, it was nothing compared to what was waiting for us back in Kelowna. The snow is everywhere! I had the shovel more than one person off the side of …

Nikon L35AF Film Camera Review

I did a video review of the Nikon L35AF film camera. I just took a little walk around a park by my house and shot some photos. I was pleasantly surprised by the results. If your just getting started in film photography this camera might be a good place to start. I will post some …

Mural on Expired Kodak

I was recently doing at camera review for my YouTube channel and I bumped into this beautiful mural in an alley. I was shooting with a beloved Nikon F90X & 50mm f/1.4. I had some expired Kodak Max 400 in the camera. I had no idea how expired the film was so I really had …


I just stubbled on this picture I took in the fall that never made it out the door. I actually like this picture, I just kind of forgot about it haha. I was just walking by and couldn’t help but notice the bright yellow tree peaking over the hill. I thought contrast of the bright …

Life on The Edge

I took a little trip out to Fintry Provincial Park a couple days ago to shoot some photos and make a video. I was doing a little review of the Nikon Nikkor 14mm f/2.8 lens. I shot some photos in this abandoned house and then made my way up a mountain to a this waterfall. …

Might as well stick Around

So after listening to the valuable information and points you guys gave me regarding either keeping my blog on WordPress or moving it, I have decided to just keep it here on WordPress. Making this general photography blog work with a wedding blog doesn’t really seem like something I can make work. I just don’t …

Test Leaves

These are just a couple of the test shots from the youtube video I posted yesterday. I just love the colour of these leaves so much I figured I’d might as well post them. If you didn’t see that video I’ll post it again at the bottom of this post. Camera: Sony a7R & Nikkor-H …

Nikon Nikkor-H 85mm 1.8

I recently got my hands on a Nikkor 85mm f/1.8 prime lens. Nikon released this version of the lens in 1964, so it’s definitely got some vintage qualities to it. I love the old look of the lens and it produces good photos. The lens isn’t perfect, but for the low price you’d pay for …

All The Lights

I had drove by this place a few times and I knew right away that I was going to go back one night and shoot a photo. I love all the lights on the sign and the strings of lights above the deck. These type of lights always look good in long exposures. The place …