Graffiti Under The Bridge

I was heading out to some random park one day when I noticed this graffiti under the bridge. I figured I’d better climb under there and get a better look. Looks like whoever painted this stuff was pretty good at what they do. When I see good graffiti I often wonder if the painter is …

Just Weeks before with Amy & Dwight

I went kicking around Princes Island Park with Amy & Dwight the other day to shoot some engagement photos. Funny thing about this photo session is it was only a few weeks away from the actual wedding! Not exactly typical, but who cares ;). We really lucked out with the weather because the days leading …

Enjoy The Sunset

I was out one day for a walk the park and was enjoying the sunset. I walked up on this couple who were taking it all in with a front row seat. That feather in the guys cap caught my eye and I thought putting the sun right between them would be perfect. I like …

Snowy Landscape

Anytime I get out in the mountains for some photos it’s a good time. This day was particularly beautiful. The right combination of bright light and clean snow makes for a good landscape view. Thanks for stopping by, Rob

Nice & Frozen Calgary

I went out last night around 6:30pm to take this picture. Little did I know just how cold it was. Once I set up my tripod, I whipped out my phone to check the temperature because I was already freezing. It was a bone chilling – 8 F! (-22C). I was only able to get …