Cameron Basketball

I haven’t posted a picture of Cameron on here for quite a long time. He is 12 now and soon to be 13! Damn time is flying. I shot these photos of him playing basketball in the fall for his club team (Jr. Coyotes). Like his older brother, he is really good basketball player. Cameron …

Milk Run

I had to run out to the grocery store for milk last night. I also knew I needed a picture for today so I had that bouncing around in the back of my head. As I was getting my stuff on to head out to the store I thought of this photo. It’s so random, …

Basketball Josh

My older son Joshua is back at it with the school basketball right now (9th Grade). I love watching Joshua play basketball and I also love taking pictures of him playing basketball. Shooting basketball photos is actually a lot of fun. It’s such a quick game and there are so many people on the floor …

Who is this?

I have walked by this statue downtown in Kelowna loads of times and I think I’ve tried to get a shot of it once before. But still, I don’t know if this statue is supposed to be a real person or just a random Native American guy. Anyhow, it’s a cool statue and next time …

Curry 11 ‘Future Curry’

If you follow me on Instagram you likely already know I’ve been getting some gear from Under Armour & Curry Brand. If you don’t, well there ya go haha. FYI here I am on IG 😉 Anyhow, Curry Brand sent me these Curry 11 basketball shoes to try out. It just so happens that …

Among The Buildings

My entire life I have felt most comfortable among the big buildings and urban lights in the city I live. Kelowna is a small city, so I don’t have the same opportunity you do in a big city to walk around and enjoy an endless urban landscape. In Kelowna, you have to seek it out …

Finding Inspiration

I haven’t been feeling very inspired to shoot photos in Kelowna these days. You can probably tell by the lack of Kelowna photos here on this blog. But I figured since I live here I better just force myself out the door and find inspiration or I’ll only take pictures when I go back to …

Joshua 13

My son Joshua has grown so much in the last couple years. He’s gone from looking like a kid to a full on teenager who is now the tallest person in our house! It all happened so fast. He’s still the same old kid he’s always been, but just in this big body now haha. …

Sunset in the City

Sunsets anywhere I great, but a sunset in Vancouver is spectacular. I love all the reflections off the glass buildings. This particular pictures doesn’t illustrate the reflections super good, but it’s there and it’s subtle shine is still beautiful to me. Thanks for stopping by, Rob

A Photoshoot

I just happened to stumble upon this photoshoot that was going on. I was trying to get a shot of some boats at the time, but as I saw this shoot happening I figured it might be a good picture. As soon at the woman with the phone start taking pictures I knew I had …

Floating House

Ever since the first time I saw the movie Sleepless in Seattle I’ve wanted to live in a floating house. I honestly don’t think that will ever happen, but I still love them. These floating houses on Granville Island are awesome. The location and views are spectacular and for me I cant image a better …

A Walk by The Water

Taking a walk by the water in Vancouver is super easy. The whole city is surrounded by water so if you want to be near the water for a walk a good path it’s not hard to find. I often find myself around these paths as I’ve almost always lived on this side town. Whenever …

Big City Lights

I love looking at Vancouver at night time. Whatever part of town I’m in I love the look of the city at night. The lights of the city make it shine and to me it shows of the life of the city. From street level to view points Vancouver is beautiful and this particular view …