
Rob Moses Headshot - Media Frenzy Club - Digital Marketing & Social Media AgencyHello, my name is Rob and I am a Native American (Tlingit) photographer based out of Kelowna, British Columbia. Although my Tlingit heritage is not front and centre of all my work I try to incorporate it when I can. Beyond the obvious I am always flying the flag.

The best best thing I can say here is I take a lot of pictures, a lot of different types of pictures. Of course I shoot weddings and portraits and that stuff is wonderful and I love it, but it’s not enough for me. I need to be out all the time shooting photos and to do that I shoot all types of things. Street photography and city skylines are some of my most favourite things to shoot. I also find myself shooting more landscape than I thought I ever would. To be honest landscape photography doesn’t really get me that excited, but somehow I often find myself shooting it. I guess when your surrounded by beauty it only make sense to take the pictures. I guess that’s how I approach my photography, if it’s around me I’ll be taking pictures of it!

Hope you find some stuff you like here, thanks Rob

If you ever have any questions about photography or anything else, please feel free to leave your questions in the comment section and I’ll do my best to help you out!

180 thoughts

  1. Hi Rob – I know all about relocating from one province to another. I moved from Calgary to rural SK a little over 5 years ago. Setting up a network here took some time but it gets easier with each month. It’s all word of mouth and with the social networking tools we have at our fingertips you will be busier than you dreamed in no time at all! Best of luck/ Looking forward to following you here and via twitter!

    • Whoops! I just noticed that when I replied to your comment ages ago I did it as another comment and not a reply haha. Sorry about that, here is what I wrote back on March 3rd lol.
      – “Thank you very much Anna. Your comment is reassuring Thanks for stopping by and for the follows!”

  2. Thank you for visiting and liking my post! I’m a complete beginner at taking photos, but love it…learning and being inspired from the great photographers that I follow!

  3. Hey Rob…just realized yours is one of the blogs WordPress had disappear from my reader…I’ve had issues with this for the past couple of months, with a few other blogs I follow? Not sure why this happens, regardless, I’ve followed you again!

      • lol…WordPress happened to me! 🙂 I started out using the 50 but I take a great deal of photos at our Market and it doesn’t allow me to take the shots I want,which is quickly,maybe I just don’t know how to use it properly??? I purchased a Nikon 55 -200 and I’m enjoying it, as it is allowing me to shoot the way I do at the Market. Having said that I do intend to work with the 50, I won’t let it sit, but right now my photos are predominately about the Market. You know I’m still in the infancy stage and there is so much I don’t know that it will take me a very long time to figure all this out…I have my trusty book, I visit fabulous photography blogs and learn something new all the time but there is so much to learn it gets over whelming so I’m allowing my self to step back, to have fun, enjoy… but learn at the same time. 🙂 H…..

  4. Thanks for stopping by at xballerina! I am so glad to read about you and your photos are beautiful, very professional. I am starting over in a new place as well, so I very much relate to your post. Being in the ballet field sounds very similar to photography, as far as getting into the community and making connections. So far so good in New York, but we’ll see where it all leads. All the best of luck to you!

  5. thanks so much for the like, Rob. I am almost like you, only I am a full-time dreamer and a part-time (wishes she were) photographer. You notice I left out ‘professional.’ I will leave that to you! 🙂

  6. Hy Rob,

    Sorry for disturbing you if you are not interested, but I’ve seen you liked some of the photos on my photo gallery. Please let me know if you’re planning to buy this kind of shoes, and you would like to save the 60% of the MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price).

    Anyway, there are a lot of things in Budapest that you would shoot. Visit us in the future if you can. 🙂

    Best Regards,


  7. Hey, where’s the oil and gas expo and energy crowd scene? Isn’t that about as big as it gets in that energy town? Thanks for checking out my blog, and I enjoyed seeing how you thought your ideas out on these platforms.

  8. Thank you for liking one of my posts.

    I’m also a Canon shooter. Though, I don’t have your two favourite 50mm lenses (well, I sold the F1.8 last Christmas). But I enjoy shooting with the 50mm lens (now I have the 50mm macro lens).

  9. Pingback: Questions – Why? | The Rob Brizzell

  10. You already know how much I love your work … and I also love Seattle, where I lived for 9 years, at 1111 10th Avenue E, still the quirkiest address I’ve ever had. Really, you are cool. Do you know Mike Pratt from Winnipeg, by any chance? By the way, what’s a Pingback. It seems rude. Is it meant to be or am I missing something?

    • Thank you very much! That is awesome. Seattle is indeed the best :). I do know Mike Pratt actually! haha. Well not in real life, but we are familiar with each other on WordPress. As for the ping back, as I understand it is a good thing. Link sharing or something to that effect? haha. I personally don’t do them so I’m not really up on it, sorry.

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