Open for Weed

I love neon signs! I’ve actually gone unsuccessfully looking for them at times. So when I noticed this one while driving down the street one day in my neighbourhood I made a mental note to bring my camera next time I was going to be walking by. That day finally came a few days ago.

I figured since President Joe Biden was pardoning all these wild old marijuana charges now was as good a time as any to share this particular neon sign. Me personally, I don’t touch the stuff, it’s just not for me. I’m more of an energy guy and weed seems to go in the opposite direction of my personality so it just doesn’t make any sense for me. However, I don’t go a problem with anyone who does like that stuff. To each their own. 😉

Anyhow, I like the sign and I wish there was more neon in this city where I live.

Thanks for stopping by, Rob

4 thoughts

  1. We see plenty of these signs down here in Colorado. The state was among the first to have legal sales, medical and recreational. Similarly, I’m an energy kind of person too, and it does seem to go in the opposite direction. I’ve read it’s difficult business to be in, with stores opening and closing. If anything, you might be able to pick up a neon sign on the cheap, lol.

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