A Beautiful Entry

I was walking down the street this weekend when I noticed this beautiful entry way to this old apartment building. I love old buildings and this entry is just awesome. To me, walking up to this door everyday is much more appealing than walking into a a shiny new building. Anyhow, I live in a …

Together New West

I was walking down the street in New Westminster one night taking pictures. I couldn’t help but notice the sign from across the street. There were cars parked on the street so I couldn’t shoot a photo of the entire painting from the other side of the street, that would have been ideal. On top …

Feeding the Birds

This guy feeding the birds was a nice guy. For one, he’s taking time out of his day to feed these birds. Two, when I talked to him he was very pleasant. I like people like this. This guy is out there having a good time and enjoying his life feeding the birds. Hopefully we …

Crossing 2nd Ave.

Well it ain’t Abbey Road, but 2nd Avenue in Seattle has its own charm to it. It was a little smokey to the south in Seattle on the day I shot this photo, but I kinda like it. The main thing I like about looking down 2nd Ave is the old pointy building down the …

When they see you

I like taking pictures of people on the street. I like it even more when right as I’m taking the picture the people look right at me haha. It was easy to see me coming when I was shooting these photos. I was shooting with a Canon 1DX which is a massive camera and hard …

Gum in The Alley

I have no idea why and I just dont get it, but people in Seattle have been sticking their discussing chewed up gum on the walls of this Alley (Post Alley). I mean, I guess it looks kind of interesting, but it also looks gross haha. Anyhow, I was walking by and I figured I’d …

The Seven Seas Building

This beautiful old building has seen better days. The building is probably better known as The Lusty Lady building. From 1985 to 2010 this was the spot for dancing ladies who liked to dress with less haha. This building is actually one of the oldest buildings still standing in downtown Seattle. It was built in …

Kelowna City Views

Kelowna is more nature than city. However, if you live in one of the buildings downtown you can get a decent urban view while still maintaining the whole nature thing. The city is built around this massive lake and is surrounded by mountains, so I don’t think you really ever loose the nature aspect of …

The Most Autumn Fire Hydrant

As I’m walking down the street I usually would pay no mind to any fire hydrant. However, this particular fire hydrant looks to be there most autumn fire hydrant of all time. I never really notice it before, but as I was walking by I couldn’t help but see the orange, yellow and black screaming …

Among The Buildings

My entire life I have felt most comfortable among the big buildings and urban lights in the city I live. Kelowna is a small city, so I don’t have the same opportunity you do in a big city to walk around and enjoy an endless urban landscape. In Kelowna, you have to seek it out …

I Went Back

If you saw my last post you know I wanted to get that same picture, but with sunset light. I tried to get there in time for the sunset but I was just a little too late. I stuck around the area and shot some other photos I wanted to try and then when it …

Fall in Full Swing

Well the fall weather is in full swing here in Kelowna. I’m trying to get out and take pictures while it lasts because the temperature is dropping and the leaves are really falling. I’m sure the snow isn’t too far off so I better take advantage while I have the opportunity. There is a little …

Awkward Eye

You ever hear that Dr. Dre song “Forgot About Dre” featuring Eminem? There is a line in that song: “One day I was walkin by with a Walkman onWhen I caught a guy, gave me an awkward eye”  Well that was yesterday and I took a picture haha. I actually saw this guy sitting in …