Layers of Kelowna

There are many layers of Kelowna sort of speak and there is good display of that in this photo. I like photos like this because there is just so much to look at and see. I think this would make a really cool twilight or night shot. I think I’ll try and make that happen …

Whoops, Here I Am

Sorry, I kind of fell off the planet there for a couple days. The truth is I hadn’t been out shooting photos for the last few days and I didn’t feel like posting any oldies haha. Anyhow, I went for a walk yesterday and shot a couple photos. The weather looks to be good for …

Why Not?

Why can’t the streets of my city just look like this? I love the this street so much. Cobble stone, colourful flags and lights are a pretty wicked combo. It all comes together so nicely for pictures and it’s just a nice feeling walking down the street at night when it’s all lit up like …

Hike for a view

I went for a hike on Friday morning and shot this photo. I thought 300mm would be long enough, but to be honest I think I needed a little more reach. Sadly the only 400mm lens I have is absolutely massive and there is no way I’m dragging that monstrosity up a mountain haha. With …

One More for Tina

Ok one last photo from the record store. I dunno why I even took this picture to be honest with you. I mean it’s Tina Turner, so why not haha. That’s about as much thought as I put into the picture, but that’s ok. Sometimes the picture just happens and you keep going on going. …

Just The Art

I was walking down the street when my eye caught all these beautiful art in this gallery. I stepped inside for a moment, but it was seemingly empty. It looked like it was just the art holding down the fort. I don’t know how much I felt like talking at the time anyhow, so I …

In The Street

Let’s just all be in the street. Don’t worry about the cars, they’ll get where they need to go lol. I was actually on the sidewalk prior to this photo. But I saw this guy walking up the street with these chairs. Then I saw the couple just walk out into the street even with …

Trying to Snow

It was trying to snow all day and well into the evening yesterday in Kelowna. Thankfully the snow hasn’t been sticking to the ground, so I’m ok with it. The snow flakes got really big at one point so I ran into my back yard and shot this photo on our basketball court. I actually …

Should have went in

I walked by this shop while exploring San José del Cabo one day. I think I had a place in mind that I was going and as I was walking by, this place caught my eye. I stopped for probably 3 seconds, just long enough to take this picture and then I kept going. After …

Spooky Cup

I found myself at one my neighbourhood coffee shops earlier this week. As I was sitting and chatting I couldn’t help but notices this cool coffee cup just sitting on a shelf. The art seems to be in a Mexican Calavera style. I love that type of art so this cup spoke to me from …

We were walking

Both me and this guy were walking towards this corner at the exact same time. I had my camera in my hand and the cool restaurant sign caught my eye. I slowed my walking speed down a bit to the let the guy get closer to the corner before me and shot the photo while …

Something About It

I need a new car. I’ve been looking at a bunch of different cars and have decided I want something small. My wife suggested this one to me and at first I basically laughed it off. Then I started looking at them a little closer and somehow I have started to really love the idea …

A Cassette Tape in 2024!

When I walked into the Underground Music record store in Kelowna I expected to see plenty of records and maybe some CD’s. What I did not expect to see what’s rows of cassette tapes for sale! When I saw the tapes I was shocked! This one tape with an old Toyota and Japanese writing on …