Milk Run

I had to run out to the grocery store for milk last night. I also knew I needed a picture for today so I had that bouncing around in the back of my head. As I was getting my stuff on to head out to the store I thought of this photo. It’s so random, …

Rickshaw Paradice

I made my way downtown last night to see what was happening. There was a lot going on, but these rickshaws were putting on quite the show. These guys just take people for a ride and jump around and spin. The people in the carts seem to be having the time of their life and …

Boardwalk Beer

I was walking down the boardwalk one night in New Westminster taking pictures when I noticed this guy sitting on a bench with a beer. There was a light post right beside him lighting him up just perfectly. I asked him if he would mind if I took a picture of him and he said …

Feeding the Birds

This guy feeding the birds was a nice guy. For one, he’s taking time out of his day to feed these birds. Two, when I talked to him he was very pleasant. I like people like this. This guy is out there having a good time and enjoying his life feeding the birds. Hopefully we …

Crossing 2nd Ave.

Well it ain’t Abbey Road, but 2nd Avenue in Seattle has its own charm to it. It was a little smokey to the south in Seattle on the day I shot this photo, but I kinda like it. The main thing I like about looking down 2nd Ave is the old pointy building down the …

Among The Buildings

My entire life I have felt most comfortable among the big buildings and urban lights in the city I live. Kelowna is a small city, so I don’t have the same opportunity you do in a big city to walk around and enjoy an endless urban landscape. In Kelowna, you have to seek it out …

Awkward Eye

You ever hear that Dr. Dre song “Forgot About Dre” featuring Eminem? There is a line in that song: “One day I was walkin by with a Walkman onWhen I caught a guy, gave me an awkward eye”  Well that was yesterday and I took a picture haha. I actually saw this guy sitting in …

Joshua 13

My son Joshua has grown so much in the last couple years. He’s gone from looking like a kid to a full on teenager who is now the tallest person in our house! It all happened so fast. He’s still the same old kid he’s always been, but just in this big body now haha. …

Putting in Work

As I’m walking down the street taking pictures I walking in the same direction at this guy. Pushing that ice box has a real old school vibe to me so I shot a quick photo of the guy. I love these old streets of San José del Cabo and this guy just fits into the …

Some People

Walking around San José Del Cabo you are obviously going to be running into locals and tourist. As I was walking around I took a few pictures of people here and there. I figured I’d share some of those. Some local, some tourists. All nice little moments in time. Thanks for stopping by, Rob

Coffee Break

Just some random dude enjoying an iced coffee outside this coffee shop at the Plaza Mijares in San José del Cabo. This Plaza was so great and if I lived there I think I’d probably spend a lot to my team down there. The second picture is just super random. I liked walking up and …

The Waiting Game

I had to wait a long time to get this shot. The street was quite busy at this time. I think it was around 5 or 6pm and there was plenty of action. I wanted an empty street and a persons crossing the road. When you want something so specific and your shooting at a …

Magic Mike

This is a friend of mine, Mike. I actually met mike randomly one day in a store. I couldn’t help but notice he was carrying a Leica M9. He had this magic tape over the Leica logos on his camera, so it’s surprising I was able to even spot the camera 🤪. Being intrigued by …