It lives on

I really should have posted this picture with yesterday’s post. Sadly I didn’t really look at this shot for more than 2 seconds when I was getting that other post together. I went to delete the garbage photos today from that day and realized I should have posted this one too. Rather than send it …

Posting on the Weekend

Now that I’m getting back into the swing of things with the blogging again I have been trying to decide if I want to be posting on the weekends or not. I used to just post Monday to Friday and take the weekends off. Well that was quite a while I ago that I was …

1 Week Till Christmas

Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s already one week till Christmas! I’ve got most of my shopping done, but I still have to buy a couple things. I guess I better get that done TODAY! If you haven’t finished your shopping yet I’d suggest you do the same. 😉 As for these pictures. This golden …

I See You

Street photography can be so fun! I actually love this picture and the process of shooting the photo was so rewarding. I was driving down the street and saw all the leaves on the ground sounded by the tress with the light hitting the sidewalk just perfectly. So I pulled over and grabbed my camera …

Kelowna City Views

Kelowna is more nature than city. However, if you live in one of the buildings downtown you can get a decent urban view while still maintaining the whole nature thing. The city is built around this massive lake and is surrounded by mountains, so I don’t think you really ever loose the nature aspect of …

The Most Autumn Fire Hydrant

As I’m walking down the street I usually would pay no mind to any fire hydrant. However, this particular fire hydrant looks to be there most autumn fire hydrant of all time. I never really notice it before, but as I was walking by I couldn’t help but see the orange, yellow and black screaming …

My $25 Bike

I bought this old mountain bike off a lady for $25. I just liked the green and yellow/orange look. There wasn’t a hole lot else other than the colour and vintage frame that I liked about the bike, but I knew I could make it into something I would love with a little effort. So …

The Mask

I was walking around San José del Cabo one night a few days ago. The streets at night around the town square are all lit up with these lights that criss cross the streets. The lights are strung along these little colourful flags and it creates this wonderful ambiance. As I was walking around enjoying …

Arriving in Mexico

I shot this photo one day while walking down the street in Playa Del Carmen. I like to think she is just arriving in Mexico, because that is what I’ll be doing in a couple days! I’ll be arriving to the sweet kiss of the warm Mexican sun on Saturday and I can’t wait. 😎 …

Magic Mike

This is a friend of mine, Mike. I actually met mike randomly one day in a store. I couldn’t help but notice he was carrying a Leica M9. He had this magic tape over the Leica logos on his camera, so it’s surprising I was able to even spot the camera 🤪. Being intrigued by …

Leica Guy Mike

I walked into the dollar store the other day and I noticed this guy walking down the isle with a camera around his neck. As I passed him I couldn’t help but notice it was Leica around his neck. If I see a dude with a Leica, I’m gonna stay something and I did. We …

Cam in Pandosy

My son Cameron and I went to Subway for lunch on the weekend. We just walked there from our hour in Pandosy (a neighbourhood here in Kelowna). Since I had my camera with me we just stopped for a couple pictures along the way. It’s always good to get pictures of the kids because they …

Someone I Met

I don’t remember exactly how it happened, but I randomly met this girl on the street in Kerrisdale. I was just walking around taking pictures and the next thing I know it was standing there having a conversation with this girl. I love these types of little moments you share with strangers on the street. …